Thursday, June 11, 2020

Warrior poem

She had a war inside her head
One only she  could sense
She had an ocean in her eyes
One with very high tides
She had a crack in her heart
One that cannot be fixed ever
Yet she had a smile on
One that spoke volumes on her behalf
She woke up every day with a brave face on
One that really if you looked closely was pretty messed up
Yet she was a warrior
One who had fought wars no one knew anything about
She walked down those corridors with hard thuds
Ones if heard closely would tell you how tired her feet were
She always had layers of make up on
Which if peeled back would show someone just how unhealthy she was
She always had answers for everyone
But no one could ever care enough to answer all the questions she wanted to ask
She was brave
She was courageous  all at once
But she was also a little broken all along
She was tired
She was scared
She was badly scarred
But she still got up ever day and fought a new war
One that no one would ever know anything about

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